Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The Gist of January

This year we kept New Years super low key. We went over to the Ngai's and ate some treats while the kids played. We were going to put Jack to sleep at there house but then it got too late and we were too tired so like the super cool people we are we came home around 10:00.
I suppose that because this is a family blog I have to include what Tim has been up to. Since the break in of our garage, Tim was able to convince me to move all of the gun stuff into our basement. He has his reloading table all set up and has been working hard down there most nights. Although I am annoyed by his guns 90% of the time I am happy he is able to do is hobbies. It has helped him relax!

 January continued to be FREEZING cold. On the days that were a balmy -10 celsius we went out to play in the snow. Jack warmed up to the idea of sledding and could out last me! Even on the days it was -40 Jack insisted on going outside. I didn't participate but allowed him to dress up, head out for less than 5 minutes and come back in. Fresh air always does the soul good. 
 We turned Wrigley into a sled dog. He was more afraid of the sled and just ran from it. Whatever works I guess!
The weather briefly warmed up. The problem was that due to the water Jack still had to be fully dressed so he didn't get soaked. He came back in sweating and had taken off half his winter clothes. 

Pre bedtime shenanigans. One day the weather will be warm and we can go outside. For now we just make due with what we have. 

At some point in January we found out I am pregnant!! This baby will be due in early September. Naturally I got a cold and became deathly nauseous. I started on meds which caused me to fall asleep basically everywhere. My parenting went straight downhill. Jack had free reign of the place and the house was trashed all the time. I considered the day a success if we turned off the tv and I didn't fall asleep at 9:00. I have to give Tim mad props as he really stepped up and took care of things! So far this pregnancy is very similar to Jack. I don't eat meat, protein or much dairy. I do eat taco chips and perogies! I threw up baked potatoes right at the start and so they were crossed off the list. Hopefully things get better but for now we just survive. 

 Tim and I are still in Young Men's and Young Women's. Jack doesn't mind coming to an activity every Wednesday! He loves the kids, treats and staying out late. He will be sad when that day ends. 
 Jack continues to refuse fruit and I continue to try. He licked the peanut butter off the apples but then next thing I know won't go to bed before eating a banana! He is so nuts! 

 Jack learned to open the front door! I felt the house get cold and drafty and realized my kid had put on Tim's shoes and was making a break for it! 

 Wrigley is still here and on occasion gets some love!

Taylor Girl left on a mission to Antofagasta, Chile. She gave a great talk! It was also fun to see the family at supper after. It is crazy to me to think she is old enough for this. I still remember her as about the 5 year old that I went on a road trip with from Welling to Utah to Oregon to Vancouver over the course of about 3 weeks! She will do awesome! I really will try to write some letters!

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