Sunday, April 30, 2017

March Madness Utah Trip

Tim is a homebody and is hard to convince that it is ever a good idea to leave home. The first round of March Madness College Basketball was held in Salt Lake City. Tim was dying to go and it has been forever since we have been to Utah. His family was missing him and had never met Jack! Last minute he pulled the trigger, found tickets and we headed off. Our new van was put through the paces and passed with flying colours. We had tonnes of room and Jack enjoyed hours and hours of movies. Jack did so well on the trip. We went to Welling and started out early in the morning. From Welling we only had to make 2 stops!
 I missed you Chick-Fil-A! This was my first stop!
 Tim's Aunt Shauna was awesome and watched Jack for the entire day while we went to 4 games! The games were pretty good, the fans were intense and the bands were my favourite part! 

 I was fairly terrible at taking photos and this was all I got. Bryan and Shauna have two dogs, a yorkie  (Kiki) and a golden retriever (Sandy). Jack was in love with them. The weather was gorgeous so we were able to spend lots of time hanging outside. 
Jack thought Josh and Adam were the coolest. They introduced him to wands, light sabres and nerf guns. Needless to say Jack was in heaven. Tim went shooting with Bryan and Brandon. I did some shopping with Shauna. It is awesome having some older kids around to abandon Jack with! Overall We had so much fun. We stayed up way to late visiting and watching movies. Hopefully we make it back soon. It was well worth the drive. 
We headed out early in the morning and made it to Welling by supper time. Grandma was a softy and brought the kitty in for Jack. It was a much needed break before the final push to home. 

Saturday, April 29, 2017


 Frozen solid chicken to cooked in an hour! Insta pot win! 

 Boys are seriously nuts! The snowy cold has kept us inside and we are getting a bit of cabin fever! He found the fly swatters and used them as hockey sticks. 
Tim had a work conference in Red Deer so Jack and I were on our own. We went on a date to Blue Grass Greenhouses and then to Coco Brooks for supper. 

 After supper we planted our new seeds. Unfortunately due to my nausea and extreme exhaustion I killed them all! I am pretty bummed about it but pregnancy is no joke!

 Timmy had a birthday!! He is our favourite guy. We celebrated him with a camo t-shirt, a candy gram, a day of hunting stores and then supper with his family. Definitely not my idea of a perfect day but Tim was in heaven. Tim continues to tackle his ridiculous amount of hobbies. Every season brings back a new sports team and a new hobby. Jack thinks he is the greatest Dad and absolutely loves when I am at work and they get fun guys nights. Happy Birthday Timmy! I hope this is one of the best years yet!

 For my birthday I worked 8 hours in the morning and then had time to get a pedicure and Jelly Modern Doughnuts. For supper it was Asian Noodle Box! Tim spoiled me with a pink Blue Jays hat. I was pretty happy with how the day went. Life is great and it is so nice to take a break for me. This year was a good one. I keep thinking life will slow down but it never does. I am so blessed to have amazing family and friends that keep me out and about. This year will bring more exciting changes and although I am nervous about it I can hardly wait. This year might be spent closer to home but with mat leave around the corner I have a feeling I will be partying just as hard but maybe a little more sleep deprived! 

 Cooking sausages naked is a bad idea! A coat was required to protect from the splatter. 
 Enjoying a brief moment of Spring. Slowly getting faster on the strider bike. 
 Bring your own Cup Day at 7-11!! It only took us 2 hours to walk/strider to and from! There was literally a guy there filling a cement bucket with slurpee. I was conservative with my blender bottle. 
 I am not sure boys can be tamed. Because Jack can open and unlock the front door it requires me to latch the top of the door. He told me the door was stuck as he could only open it a couple inches. He contented himself with shooting his gun out the open crack. 

9:00 AM church is hard work when you are 2! Peanut butter and jelly followed by stories before naps. Jack doesn't usually last long. He fell asleep mid bite and mid story. 

 Morning snuggles are the best when they aren't too insanely early!

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Family Week in Welling

The entire family got together over Family Week in February. Seriously the only reason I pick people up at the airport is to have Chick-Fil-A!
 Cousins are seriously the greatest. Thanks to FaceTime they new each other immediately and gave each other the biggest hugs. It was so sweet.
 The Dudley's showed up later that afternoon and we were able to enjoy sunshine, bubbles and the park. The Scow's thought they were melting because of the beautiful weather! 
 The next morning the big kids and non-pregnant adults got to go skiing. Danielle and I "lucked out" and had 4 kids ages 3 and under plus two dogs. We managed to make it to Welling, feed them all supper and then go back to Lethbridge to see Marv and Bev Scow(they came for Cohen's baptism). Because the Scow's were staying at the Holiday Inn we decided we couldn't miss a chance to go swimming. What else would you do with that many small humans! Thankfully everyone survived skiing and swimming! 

The next day we celebrated Oliver's 3rd birthday with. This kid is seriously one of my favourites! He has attitude and spunk to spare. He loves being the baby of the family but at the same time he wants to be big just like his brothers. For his birthday this 3 year old got lots of Lego guys and Star Wars masks. He loves his mother and would ask her to snuggle him at bedtime. The aunts would offer to to come "nuggle" him and his response was, NEVERRRRR!" Stay home forever Ollie so you are always around to FaceTime! 

The next day our sweet little Coco Pebbles was baptized. It is hard to believe this kid is that old but he is so sweet and amazing with little kids. Jack just adores him. 

 The musical number was a surprise for Cohen. It was done by the rest of the cousins. After a few questionable practice runs they did a beautiful job. They sang I am a Child of God. 
Because Jack can unlock deadbolts, put on his shoes and open doors, it was difficult to keep him contained. At one point I thought I had really lost him but he had gone in the dog house that apparently houses the kitties. He is motivated when it comes to animals. Paul even texted a photo of a 'lost' kid. I didn't even know he had escaped! 

There was lots of time spent hanging out, playing outside with the kitties and just having fun. 

The Scow boys taught Jack how to really play with weapons and play dead. 

I earned my mom stripes over this week. Jack has a delicate constitution and he was thrown right off. It started with a small amount of diarrhea and throw up. I thought that was it so we went to Lethbridge to a play centre. He threw up all over himself and carseat. We had to go to Superstore to buy a change of clothes while the others played. I have a major fear of missing out so I drugged him and went swimming that night. Bad idea. We had more throw up in the car on the ride home. He honestly seemed fine after each throw up with a good appetite. I am still not sure what was going on. There were a few others with upset stomachs. It might have just been food poisoning. 
We went to Moana at the movie Mill. It was Jacks first time to a movie. It was a success. 

Naturally we had to hit up a Pandas game and take a photo with the mats donated for my Dad. 

Playing Dance Dance. The fun really never stopped. 
The last day we were there we woke up to snow. While the moms packed, Paul took the kids out behind the quad. The mini quad was so fun! It was awesome that the bigger kids could drive it by themselves. 

 Classic cousin photo on the couch right before we leave. 
We wrapped things up by heading back to Airdrie and the next day the Scow's flew out. I consider the trip a success as there were a few tears from pure exhaustion. Thanks for hosting Mom and Paul! We had so much fun and can hardly wait to repeat this summer.