Monday, December 28, 2015

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

We were pretty excited to start decorating and prepping for the Christmas season. We got out all of the decorations only to realize our tree had been ruined in a previous flood. The good news was that we had started the day early and had plenty of time to go hunt/shop for a new tree. We hit up Tim's favourite store, Canadian Tire, and found all of the necessities. I put Jack in one of the toy car carts. He loved it. 
 It was so fun to see Jack's curiosity over the lights, tree and ornaments. He doesn't fully comprehend what is going on but it is still fun to show him holidays and traditions. 

 I took Jack to the Santa Clause parade. Tim was too sick to come but we had fun anyways. The weather was pretty fairly warm and we dressed up warm but the parade started a little late so by the end of the parade Jack was tired and done. Maybe next year will be a little more successful. 

 First Presidency devotional was really nice and the music is always gorgeous. 
 Living by the train does have a few perks. On Tim's way home he saw the holiday train and ran inside to come show us. There was music and lots of people playing outside in the snow. Next year we will be more prepared to enjoy all the lights. 
 Jack and I went to Bass Pro Shop to see Santa. He started out ok, even had bit of curiosity over who the strange man was.
Then the tears started. 
So we hit up Yogen Fruz for a treat. 
 After Yogen Fruz we went back to Santa and shamelessly took another picture. He was missing his shoe in the first picture and it was annoying me. With a little luck he didn't hate it! 
We got together with the girls from work for a cookie exchange. So much fun and Jack approved of the spoils. 
Jack was also fascinated by the first real snow fall. 
 We went out to Tim's work party. We started with dinner, at the bowling alley, that we had to cook!! I love Olds. In all honesty, Tim does work with fabulous people and it was fun to get to know them all better. After supper we went bowling. It was nice to have a night out.

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