Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Father's Day

Tim is Jack's favourite person. It doesn't surprise me much as they are like the same person. They both are terrible sleepers, early risers, hate vegetables, love sports and are a little delicate. I am grateful especially grateful for the early rising part. Tim gets up with Jack 90% of the time. I am just not a morning person so a little extra sleep is the best. Tim can't leave for work in the morning with out giving Jack multiple kisses. Jack basically follows him out the door asking for just one more kiss. At the end of the day we are all waiting and watching out the window for Tim to arrive. 

 Tim has been waiting a long time for Jack to be big enough to read real stories to. I love how Jack cuddles right up and listens until it is time for bed. 
 Tim has done a lot of projects around the house this summer. Painting the deck, building fences, painting the house and overall just lots of little home improvement. Jack is always right there copying  Tim and trying to help. Tim is pretty awesome and even though the project takes a little longer he is getting so patient with Jack. 

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