Monday, August 28, 2017


 Favourite place to play is the van. 
 How I found him asleep. Sure do love this little monster man. 
 Practicing swaddling before this baby comes. Jack thinks it is hilarious. 
 I think the backyard is safe but Jack proves me wrong once again. 

 My favourite little date. He climbed to the top of the McDonald's play place. A nice little girl had to help him down. There was no way I was squeezing my pregnant self up there. 

We made a quick trip to Soab for Taylor and Sophie's wedding. I missed the actual wedding but the reception was beautiful and a super fun party. Congrats to the newlyweds! We are so excited for Sophie to join the family and take on Taylor and all of his craziness. 
 Sheri is the greatest. I have a picture of me just like this somewhere... 
The weather has been fairly magical. We hit up a different park most mornings. We started at a park in a new development and ended up playing in the dirt. I took the first photo of Wrigley and Jack thinking what an awesome mom I am for letting them explore like this but as I sat there about to upload my awesomeness to social media I hear HELP....

 Jack had followed Wrigley through a mud pit. 
 But seriously, I love them and think they are the absolute cutest!

 I think this boy will always need a nap. He managed to fall asleep in the stroller at Cross Iron so I decided for one day we could skip the nap. He slept through the transfer from the stroller to the car, then the car to the stroller. I was able to shop all of Walmart with him fast asleep! 

 Every year dairy farmers in the Olds area host a breakfast for the community. As a small business advisor, Tim was invited to go. As part of the breakfast you get to go and explore the farm. It was a pretty fun morning and Jack was in heaven. 
 The face Jack made when we went into the barn and saw all of the milk cows. It is funny seeing such joy over cows. They were so common place for me growing up. I am grateful for people opening up their homes/farms so I can take a little bit of the city out of this boy. 

 The gophers at Nose Creek Park are super brave. The kids run from hole to hole waiting for one to pop up. 
Jack's newest fascination surrounds ghosts and monsters. He puts something over his head and says, "Oooo scary! Ghost!" Before bed we have to "shew shew" the ghosts and monsters out of his room. 
This kid is turning into a pretty decent shot with a squirt gun. He thinks it is hilarious to shoot you but I always get him back for good measure. 

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