Tuesday, February 11, 2014


2014 has been a bit of a tough one for me. I was diagnosed with celiac disease January 7th. About 3 years ago I was feeling excessively tired and constantly had a cold. I had just started shift work and wasn't eating very healthy. I figured that I was anemic so I had my blood tested. It came back with positive markers for celiac. At this point in time, we were pretty broke and the thought of going gluten free was daunting and expensive so I basically just ignored it. In August at the White wedding we were chatting with Lisa Evans and she scared Tim into making sure that I was retested for celiac. I had some blood work that needed to be done anyway so I had the celiac stuff added on. It came back even more positive than before. I was still holding onto the shred of hope that the blood test isn't 100% so I was put on the list to have a stomach biopsy which is the gold standard. Due to a cancellation I was able to get in real quick and would finally have some answers. I did the stomach biopsy with out any sedation. It was kind of horrible but I really don't like being put to sleep and it only lasted about 10 min.
On a side not Tim almost died while waiting for me. He decided to go for a stroll so he got in an elevator and it started to free fall a few feet every few seconds. When he pushed the emergency button to call for help he got 911!!! haha what a super ghetto hospital! The elevator did finally let him out and he lived to tell the story. 
To continue on with the original story, Dr. Shaffer remembered me for not using sedation and confirmed the diagnosis of celiac disease. As of January 8, 2014 I am gluten free!
I cried after I purged my cupboards. 
Biggest surprises: campbell's soups all contain gluten including tomato, cream of mushroom, cream of chicken!
No name beef and chicken stock!
McCain's Hash-browns
Mini Eggs, smarties and most gummy candies :(

There is more food to be purged from my deep freeze. I am just waiting for someone to come visit and they can have it ALL! 
As my reward for going gluten free we bought a blend tec!!! 
 It is seriously amazing! I throw in spinach, carrots, whole apples, whole avocados and make super healthy smoothies. The picture below is the soup that I made in it and it even heats up the soup!
I appreciate all the e-mails of recipes and support!! I truly have the best friends and family ever!

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