Monday, September 12, 2016

Anniversary #6

Happy Anniversary to this guy! Time seems to go by faster and faster every year. This year has been a harder one for me because adding a kid to your life is no joke. Jack has brought more joy to our lives than either of us ever imagined. Jack has required us to grow and change in so many ways. We bought a house and Tim has been working at a new job. I have gone back to work. Life seems to be a constant juggling act and we have had to grow and adjust a lot. Although moments of this year have been tough I have more fully appreciated Tim and all the support, love and laughter he brings into my life. Tim helps me find balance and adores Jack. The successes and joy of this year make me so excited to take on the next year. Life has truly been a ride but it is one I would do over and over again. I wouldn't change a single thing. 
For this anniversary we finally took advantage of the Dudley's. We drove up to Edmonton and dropped Jack off for a sleepover. This was our very first Jack free night. We went on a date to Jubilations Dinner Theatre: Pretty Woman. It was a cute little play loosely based on the movie. The food was delicious and the people hilarious! They had people celebrating anniversaries come to the front. I managed to talk Tim into going up. 
The next morning we slept in (so glorious!) and then out for breakfast and shopping. Eventually we did make it back to the Dudley's to pick up Jack. I won the best wife award by letting Tim go golfing. The weekend was a success and lots of fun was had! 

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