We got to go to my favourite Edmonton parade: The Cari West Parade! It celebrates the Caribbean culture. The parade is full of all sizes and types of people dressed in fabulous outfits. They play super loud music and dance down the street in questionable outfits.
This was Jack's exact 7 month birthday but the Cari West Parade was just too much for him. He definitely wasn't a fan of the loud music. He still scares easily.This guy is our favourite. Erin and Tannis manage to find him every year! He is just hilarious. Maybe next year we can go in the parade with him!
That night we went on a triple date to The Lion King! It was seriously so amazing. Young Nala and Simba were so talented. I couldn't believe that they were only 12 years old. I also loved the costumes. They were so creative! I love my sisters and it was great to have fun and have no kids!
Ollie loves Jack! He always wanted to hold him.
After having Jack I have not rebuilt my core. I hurt my back while we were boating so I am trying to plank every day. Danielle challenged me to a plank off. I lost by a long shot but hopefully next time I see her I can win!
Jack got to have a cousin bath. It was pretty fun to have more entertainment.
I love being an Aunt! Ollie and I shared a tub of ice cream for breakfast while his mother wasn't paying attention. He is such a cute, easy going and happy boy.
We spent an afternoon at the Leg fountains. I had never been before and it was super nice. Jack loves water and being outside so he was in heaven.
Even though it was super hot out the kids still wanted to hot tub. They used it more like a swimming pool. I was the lucky adult they talked into going in with them.
Erin took us to the most amazing store called The Grocery People. They are a wholesale store and sell lots of amazing candy! It was a bit of a disaster... Ollie tried to eat everything, Danielle took an entire display out with her cart and the rest of the kids ran wild but it is all ok because we bought a tonne of delicious goodies! I will definitely be going back.
After The Grocery People we hit up a splash pad. We seriously had the best weather for being outside. It definitely made up for our crappy camping weather. Jack loved the playing in the water even if it did get him in the face and was freezy cold.
Scar of course took a fall moments after this photo was taken. She continues to be a little monkey.
These two boys make me nervous about having a boy of my own. They caught the most massive spider in a plastic bag and brought it in to show everyone. I was also helping Danielle clean out her car and opened a little compartment next to where Cohen sits and found a live grasshopper. When asked Cohen said, "I was saving him for later!" Haha even though they have an affinity for bugs and gross things they sure are sweet. They are so kind to Jack and I will definitely miss seeing them while they are in Alaska! Please move closer soon!
The real question is where would I be with out these three!?! My sisters are the greatest and I sure do love them. They have always been some of my biggest supporters and really do want the best for me.
Holding up our order number.
Overall the week spent with my family was awesome. We ate lots of poutine and treats, stayed up way to late and just had lots of laughs. Drive safe to Alaska and figure out how to visit lots!
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