After the big camping extravaganza Jack was over tired and a little sick so I got some sweet cuddles on the couch.
Once a month ish I get together with friends from work for breakfast club. It is especially fun because since starting this 3 of us have had babies!
I supported Children's Miracle Treat day and stood in line for over an hour! It is ok cuz the the blizzard was amazing!
Tim has become quite the tool man now that he has a garage to store everything. He has spent many nights out there building a work bench and getting everything organized just right.
Most people in Airdrie have a dog which means lots of dog parks! I have explored every one of them and look forward to lots of walks. Summer has been so beautiful and hot so late night walks are definitely the best!
I picked my Mom and Paul up from the airport and as it turns out they have a Chick-fil-a in the airport!! I was able to have some waffle fries and lemonade. I was one happy girl with the treat. Anybody else need a pick up from the airport? I am happy to do it! Only have to bring me Chick-fil-a on your way out!
Also I went through the drive through for a dollar drink and the person in front of me paid for my drink!! There is serious magic during dollar days!
We found a place not too far called that is absolutely beautiful. There is a nice little hike along a river with lots of little waterfalls. It was fun to get out and enjoy the beauty that is so close!
Thanks to Tim and Chrissy I was able to play ultimate frisbee again this summer! It was so fun to play and have one night away from Jack. We won the B division... so the winners of the losers! By the end of the year I felt like I was starting to get the hang of things. Hopefully I will be able to play again next year!
It is hard to believe that summer has come to an end. It was very busy but definitely a summer to remember. I feel like these pictures don't do justice with how much fun we have had. I don't mind winter but I will miss the long summer days!
We love where summer has led us and living in Airdrie has been great. We love our hose and most of the boxes, thanks to Tim, are unpacked. Now with life slowing down I might have time to hang a picture or two!
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