I was nervous about the cold so I put a ridiculous amount of clothing on Jack but seriously- How cute is this little camper!
Unfortunately he didn't last long in the pack 'n' play and snuggled us in our sleeping bags for most of the night.
Danielle on day 1. It is a continual struggle for her to stay awake.
It was rainy for the bulk of the time we were there so we were rebels and built a fire in the camp kitchen. You were able to get really close which was great for keeping warm but the Scow boys had a hard time staying out. Cohen has been a pyro since birth. Age has not helped him any!
Paul taught the Scow boys about fire rockets. As demonstrated by Mason's face they thought this was amazing.
We went for a walk but Danielle led us astray and then it started pouring rain. We did eventually find our way back.
A big shout out to Paul for buying a boat! I have always loved boating and I am excited to for all the summers to come that we can spend out on a lake. I went for one ride behind the boat and did manage to get up on the slalom ski but I pulled a muscle in my back and was in major pain. My goal now is to rebuild my core!
Tim was also in heaven with the boat. He got to do lots of fishing with it. That is his favourite way to fish as it is the way his Grandpa (Beebaw) taught him how to fish.
My amazing mother turned the big 54 while we were camping. My mother has shared her love of travel and adventure with me. She is friends with everyone and always good for a laugh. We celebrated in style by driving into Sylvan town centre, got dollar drinks and went to Wal-mart.
Due to my back pain I rode the sweet cart. It was loaded with female urinals thanks to my sisters. Danielle apparently had always wanted one and these ones were only 25 cents! What a deal so we bought three.
We eventually did get a little tired of the rain so we went to Red Deer to watch a movie. Shawn the Sheep was interesting to say the least. There was absolutely no talking during the movie so my mother promptly fell asleep. She has a real talent.
At least the kids enjoyed it.
We also hit up Costco. Mason also adores Jack and loves to make him laugh. He played lots of peek-a-boo with him.
On our last day we packed up camp and went to the Wild Rapids Waterslides! Sheri, Connor and Hayden even met us there. It was great to see them and we even talked Connor into sliding. It was pretty fun and I am definitely planning to go back.
My favourite was the taco. You go straight down and up the other side. It was pretty frightening. I went down a couple times with Mason and Danielle. Mason was very proud of himself for going. It did take some convincing and we didn't let him look at what were going on. My mother went on one slide all day and it was the taco. Unfortunately she didn't fare well. Her neck snapped back and she was in lots of pain. When the tube stopped she said,"I am paralyzed!" The nice little life guard said, "Ma'am can I help you?" Mom, "No, I am paralyzed." It was fairly comical but I do feel bad for my mom. She was in a lot of pain after.
We finished off the day by getting some ice cream and then headed to Edmonton cuz we just couldn't let the party end!
Oh what fun! Camping by the lake. I am envious. BTW, My girlfriend asked me to let you know about this site she found. http://bit.ly/2drRrP4