Maternity leave is hard work when the weather has been consistently in the high 20's!
It was so hot one day that I let Jack cool off in a tub of cool water. Initially his lip shivered from the cold but he quickly loved it and splashed like a crazy person.
Jack continues to love his jolly jumper. Wrigley comes to check out what is going on and Jack thinks that is hilarious. I am starting to wonder if Jack knows that he is a human!
It has also been a very exciting month as Jack learned to sit up!! He does best when he is on his play mat and has something to focus on. He forgets what he is doing and tips easily! Jack has also learned to roll from his tummy to his back. I love watching him discover. Rolling is the start of mobility which slightly scares me!
6 months mean it is time to start feeding! I was so excited and was positive Jack would love it but as depicted below he pretty much hates food. We gave it a valiant effort but Jack is not interested.
The next night I was cooking sausage and had heard about "Baby Lead Weaning." Basically you just skip the baby food stage and give them large non-choking hazard sized pieces of real people food. Needless to say the sausage was a hit and Jack absolutely loved it.
Not a big fan of strawberries in the mesh feeder.
Jack has an intense love for the Boom-Chicka-Pop bag. It is odd how he can find it anywhere in the room and will play with it for a significant portion of time.
Jack also enjoyed a real park for the first time. Of course this park was in the middle of the dog park but who is keeping track! He loved the swings. He smiled and laughed the entire time.
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