Jack is so obsessed with Phoebe. He continues to call her Harper. We have even tried Facetiming Harper and it just throws poor Jack for a loop.
First bath for Phoebe.
This little lady is lovely. She snuggles in so nicely, is very bright eyed and eats like a champ. She slept really well her first night home but it has been downhill from there. She has a bit of day/night confusion and insane amounts of gas. I have to rub her tummy regularly and she really explodes! We are still getting to know each other but I am seriously in love with her.
I still can't believe these two are mine.
You know you are loved and accepted by your brother when he shows you his guns.
The weather is still so nice and I have been feeling really good. In the evenings Jack and I have been going on short walks/quad rides to the park in the townhouses. It is nice to get out of the house. I will be so sad when the weather cools off and the snow flies.
So grateful to the Dudley's. They made a speedy trip to Airdrie to pick up Jack and meet Phoebe. Erin wanted to come to my delivery but unfortunately she was working another night shift. Maybe next time....???
While Jack was gone Tim and I went out for supper and played games. It is amazing how easy it is to go out with a baby that sleeps all the time and can't run away. We might as well enjoy it while we can!
We also soaked up all the baby snuggles.
On Friday we made a quick trip to Edmonton to pick up Jack. Quinn and Tannis were pretty excited to meet her.
Having a girl is a pretty big change. We are going to have to up our bow game.
Family time on Sunday. We made caramel popcorn and enjoyed hours of football.
It still hasn't really sunk in that I have two kids. I am a little nervous to be left alone with them but I am looking forward to finding our new normal.
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