Thursday, April 12, 2018

August Party: Take 2

We met up with Grandma and Grandpa Evans at a park in Taber. It gave the kids a chance to play while we got in a good visit. 
Naturally we had good old KFC. Some things never change. 

It is hard to tell but Lincoln ran away after the picture was taken and climbed to the top of this play structure. That kid is a wild man and I sure love being his Aunt and not his mother. 

I just love little Miss Harpy! I can hardly wait to snuggle my own little girl. 
 This kid played so hard every day. He particularly loved the light sabre and telescope. He hauled them everywhere and slept with them every night. 
 The big kids went to swimming lessons in the morning so I got to stay with the two littles! 
Boating was a fan favourite activity! We went multiple times and had so much fun. The Hutterites even stopped to watch one evening. Paul was kind enough to take them for a ride. The Hutterite girls kept saying, "This is really living!" 

 Mason was the only kid brave enough to try anything other than tubing. He did pretty good and almost got up. 

 Tubing into the sunset. 

 Being due in September meant I didn't have to miss Summer but I was a little sad when the sisters did a triple ski!

 Harper is just so perfect. 
 36 weeks and going strong. 
On my Mom's birthday we hit up a market in Lethbridge. Lots of cute stuff and the Americans found their favourite poutine. 

My mom got the kids these fun tops at the market so we went to a park in Raymond to set them off. 
That night we went out for supper without any kids. It was so fun to celebrate her. She really is a one in a million parent. She worked and continues to work so hard for us. She doesn't take herself too seriously and always makes us laugh. HBD Mom! 

We went on a "relaxing" walk around the Fish Pond. It was a bit of a disaster! Lincoln tried to push that stroller the entire way and Jack wanted to be carried. At one point I was going to abandon my stroller to turn around and help Erin but didn't realize we were on a bit of a hill so Jack and Harper took a bit of a tumble. As always we powered through and had a few good laughs. 
Nathan had the big kids looking for Pokemon. We might not have made it without his motivation. 
 There was a wall of bricks with names of people who had donated money to getting the trail paved. We were pleasantly surprised to find a brick with "Wilde Girls" on it. My mom bought a brick and forgot to mention it!
No trip is complete unless we stop by Grandpa Kevin's for some horseback riding. Jack was in heaven and would have sat on that horse all day if I had let him. 

 Harpy was well loved or maybe a little over loved? 
 Trying a bottle for the first time. 
 Kitties and cousins all day every day.

We visited the Henderson Pool. It was a cooler day so there weren't very many people there. It was super fun. Jack is getting so much braver in the water. 

 The Evan's boys are pretty great. We sure do love getting together with them. So far they have married some awesome girls and they are so nice to our kids. They chased them all over the yard and played Red Rover. Sheri also managed to cut Jack's 

The weather was nearly perfect the entire time we were there. So much fun was had. hopefully we can get together every Summer for 3 weeks!

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