Sunday, April 30, 2017

March Madness Utah Trip

Tim is a homebody and is hard to convince that it is ever a good idea to leave home. The first round of March Madness College Basketball was held in Salt Lake City. Tim was dying to go and it has been forever since we have been to Utah. His family was missing him and had never met Jack! Last minute he pulled the trigger, found tickets and we headed off. Our new van was put through the paces and passed with flying colours. We had tonnes of room and Jack enjoyed hours and hours of movies. Jack did so well on the trip. We went to Welling and started out early in the morning. From Welling we only had to make 2 stops!
 I missed you Chick-Fil-A! This was my first stop!
 Tim's Aunt Shauna was awesome and watched Jack for the entire day while we went to 4 games! The games were pretty good, the fans were intense and the bands were my favourite part! 

 I was fairly terrible at taking photos and this was all I got. Bryan and Shauna have two dogs, a yorkie  (Kiki) and a golden retriever (Sandy). Jack was in love with them. The weather was gorgeous so we were able to spend lots of time hanging outside. 
Jack thought Josh and Adam were the coolest. They introduced him to wands, light sabres and nerf guns. Needless to say Jack was in heaven. Tim went shooting with Bryan and Brandon. I did some shopping with Shauna. It is awesome having some older kids around to abandon Jack with! Overall We had so much fun. We stayed up way to late visiting and watching movies. Hopefully we make it back soon. It was well worth the drive. 
We headed out early in the morning and made it to Welling by supper time. Grandma was a softy and brought the kitty in for Jack. It was a much needed break before the final push to home. 

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