Saturday, April 1, 2017

Bad things Come in Three

December got off to a bit of a rocky start. On the first Thursday of the month Tim went out to the garage to realize that our garage had been broken into. The thief managed to pry open our back garage door. Our bikes, snowboards, a safety deposit box holding Tim's reloading equipment and some petty cash from the car was taken. Tim headed to work and I was left to call the RCMP. Thankfully my mom and Paul had stayed the night so they played with Jack while I got things figured out. When the police came to take a statement I learned that the thieves had stolen a RV camper from down the street and proceeded to go down the street and check cars and garages for items. The RV was stopped in Sparwood and we are just waiting to hear if our stuff was in it. Fingers crossed that things turn out in our favour.
On the second Thursday in December I got in a car accident! The good news is that nobody was hurt. I was driving home after a night shift and as I passed the 7-11 and Catholic High School a teen had stopped at the stop sign but didn't fully look and preceded into the intersection. Because I didn't have a stop sign I didn't see him until it was too late and he was right in front of me. I t-boned his passenger door. We were driving less than 30 km/h so no terrible damage was done. Our car was valuable to us as it was in good shape and well taken care of. Unfortunately insurance didn't agree and our car was written off. We replaced the vibe with a few years newer and less km. We just love the model so much!
 I was able to duct tape and zip tie the bumper on so I could drive the last few blocks home. 

The third Thursday was slightly less eventful but I had a feeling something was still to come. Jack got a bad cold and had a fever of 40 C! Tylenol and ibuprofen were enough to kick it to the curb and all was well. Sick babies are always exhausting but I do love the extra snuggles. 
 A few days were spent on the couch snuggling with Paw Patrol on repeat. Wrigley has a love/hate relationship with Jack. He is so protective but also knows Jack is two and should steer clear! 

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