Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Sylvan Lake Camping

After the party at our house we headed up to Sylvan Lake to meet up with the rest of the Wilde clan. Thank you Erin for booking an awesome campsite! We had bathrooms, a camp kitchen and water so close! Also she is a champ for camping 8 months pregnant. The kids went right to work gathering firewood. Also notice the Asian peace sign Cohen and Quinn are doing. Haha Tim is rubbing off on them!

I was nervous about the cold so I put a ridiculous amount of clothing on Jack but seriously- How cute is this little camper! 
 Unfortunately he didn't last long in the pack 'n' play and snuggled us in our sleeping bags for most of the night.

Danielle on day 1. It is a continual struggle for her to stay awake. 
It was rainy for the bulk of the time we were there so we were rebels and built a fire in the camp kitchen. You were able to get really close which was great for keeping warm but the Scow boys had a hard time staying out. Cohen has been a pyro since birth. Age has not helped him any!
Paul taught the Scow boys about fire rockets. As demonstrated by Mason's face they thought this was amazing. 

We went for a walk but Danielle led us astray and then it started pouring rain. We did eventually find our way back. 

A big shout out to Paul for buying a boat! I have always loved boating and I am excited to for all the summers to come that we can spend out on a lake. I went for one ride behind the boat and did manage to get up on the slalom ski but I pulled a muscle in my back and was in major pain. My goal now is to rebuild my core!
Tim was also in heaven with the boat. He got to do lots of fishing with it. That is his favourite way to fish as it is the way his Grandpa (Beebaw) taught him how to fish. 

My amazing mother turned the big 54 while we were camping. My mother has shared her love of travel and adventure with me. She is friends with everyone and always good for a laugh. We celebrated in style by driving into Sylvan town centre, got dollar drinks and went to Wal-mart. 
Due to my back pain I rode the sweet cart. It was loaded with female urinals thanks to my sisters. Danielle apparently had always wanted one and these ones were only 25 cents! What a deal so we bought three. 

We eventually did get a little tired of the rain so we went to Red Deer to watch a movie. Shawn the Sheep was interesting to say the least. There was absolutely no talking during the movie so my mother promptly fell asleep. She has a real talent. 
At least the kids enjoyed it. 

We also hit up Costco. Mason also adores Jack and loves to make him laugh. He played lots of peek-a-boo with him. 

On our last day we packed up camp and went to the Wild Rapids Waterslides! Sheri, Connor and Hayden even met us there. It was great to see them and we even talked Connor into sliding. It was pretty fun and I am definitely planning to go back. 
 My favourite was the taco. You go straight down and up the other side. It was pretty frightening. I went down a couple times with Mason and Danielle. Mason was very proud of himself for going. It did take some convincing and we didn't let him look at what were going on. My mother went on one slide all day and it was the taco. Unfortunately she didn't fare well. Her neck snapped back and she was in lots of pain. When the tube stopped she said,"I am paralyzed!" The nice little life guard said, "Ma'am can I help you?" Mom, "No, I am paralyzed." It was fairly comical but I do feel bad for my mom. She was in a lot of pain after.

We finished off the day by getting some ice cream and then headed to Edmonton cuz we just couldn't let the party end!

Pre camping adventures

The week after we moved in we had all kinds of people over here. Jace and Jeanette Rutledge were in town so of course Jesse and Julie Heyland had to come down and we all had to get together and the boys were dying to play some games together. Unfortunately there wasn't enough time for an epic game of Axis and Allies. That just means that the Rutledge's need to come back soon!
The sand box was a big hit. It was awesome to just sit out in the backyard and let the kids play.
Ben was hilarious. He absolutely adored Wrigley. Here he was eating a popsicle and would take one lick and then give Wrigley a lick. It was pretty cute. 
Heyland's please come back soon!! And next time you have stay with us! We have more room than we know what to do with! 
That night the Scow family showed up! We had to spend lots of time together as they are on their way to Alaska. Hopefully after living in Alaska they can move to Calgary! It was awesome to have enough room for all of them. Danielle and I attempted to get food but were side tracked by a fight at Wal-mart. The next day we hit up Costco with the babies while the boys took the bigger kids fishing. Tim is a great uncle and is dying for Jack to grow up a little. He had fun fishing and then played Lego. I went down to get him but was told that it was boys only and that Tim could not leave. 
Ollie loved Jack. He loved sitting beside him and loved holding him on his lap. I think he just loved being a big boy. These two are going to be trouble in the future!
In preparation for camping I got my boat license. I am quite proud of this because I really know nothing about boating. It was very tedious and I am just glad I passed!

7 Months

Month seven was a pretty crazy month seeing as we were busy packing and moving but we did manage to squeeze in some fun. 

I finally bought Jack a highchair! I did lots of research and in the end couldn't justify the money on a high end high chair. I managed to find one on kijiji that met my top requirements. Jack enjoyed sitting in it but he still didn't feel the need to eat. 
Jack is a little carnivore! He loves all different kinds of meat. I usually just give him a big piece to chew on. He is also a big fan of cheese strings. He could care less about fruit and veggies. He also loves playing in the food and making a big mess. 
Wrigley also loves meal times. He waits patiently under the high chair hoping for scraps. 
Jack's greatest skill is sitting! It is so nice to be able to put him in a cart! 

It was a little rainy during this month so we spent a lot of time just looking out the window. I will miss all the cars and people to watch. 
The rain didn't completely stop us. We still managed to go for lots of park walks. 
We are going camping at the beginning of August so I got Jack a life jacket. He quite enjoyed it and I am getting pretty excited about camping with the family!
 We had to test it out and he thought it was hilarious! I sure do love this baby and his cheesy toothless grin!
I called Jack lazy while we were in Edmonton and Jack has started rolling like a crazy person. He can get all over the room now. He is pretty proud of his new skill. He is also pretty solid at sitting. He is generally a happy baby and smiles at everyone we see. He also has the best belly laugh. He is quite ticklish around the middle. Also due to the heat wave Jack goes to bed between 7:00-7:30. I fed him before I go to bed and then again between 5:00-6:00. He usually wakes up for good around 7:00-8:00. This sleeping thing is pretty amazing and I could definitely get used to it! One of the positives of this month is that he is waaay less drooly but still no teeth!