Sunday, August 20, 2017


Easter started out as quite a party. Mark and Tina hosted a really nice Easter supper. It was so fun to see their newly renovated house and all my family. My Mom and Paul came the day before. We did some shopping and made buns for the supper. Jack was in heaven playing swords and cooking.
 I love getting together with my family. They are so good to me and Jack always play so hard with cousins. 
The big cousins put Jack in a shopping cart and turned on the treadmill. I had some nervous feelings but Jack thought they were the coolest. 
 Of course Easter, April 16, was marked with snow! Alberta weather shouldn't surprise me anymore but it always does!
 Everything had started out great but nothing ever seems to go as planned. We had an Easter dinner and egg hunt planned with the Heyland's and Wright's. I had woken up feeling so great on Easter morning. Church was lovely and I was able to sneak in a nap before it was time to start cooking. I was enjoying a few more minutes of quiet when I thought I had peed my pants. I went to the bathroom to find bright red blood. Panic immediately set in. I called Health Link and they said that if it didn't stop I would have to go in. I wasn't sure if I should to to ER or L&D as I was 19 weeks pregnant. Fortunately the bleeding stopped and I wasn't feeling any cramping or feeling unwell. We cancelled supper with the Heyland's but the Wright's had already come. I decided that I really didn't want to do any physical activity until I had an ultra sound and the go ahead from my doctor. Luckily I had scheduled my anatomy ultra sound for the next day. Working together, the Wright's cooked all the food for the dinner and I only had to yell a few instructions from the couch. Turkey in the instant pot and all the fixings. It was delicious. 
The best part of the story is that it has a happy ending. Thankfully my Mom had stayed an extra night as she had a hernia surgery on Easter. Paul was able to stay with Jack while Tim went with me to the ultra sound. Everything looks normal and nothing to worry about. Still a little nervous about everything but so relieved. That afternoon my Mom and Paul were able to stay so I could go for a quick check up with the OB. She reassured me that all was fine based off of the ultra sound. She said that sometimes a clot can for or a benign cyst can rupture. As long as it stops and no pain there is nothing to worry about. 
20 weeks! Over half way done! At the ultra sound, we found out we are having a GIRL!!!!!! I really thought it was a boy. Excited for a girl and all the girly things that come with that but still a little nervous. Girls are just so different than boys! Mothering Jack has been a challenge so hopefully this girl goes easy on me!
I had all kinds of chocolate and felt like Easter should still happen. The following Sunday, after naps, the Easter bunny came!!

 I was so excited for Jack to come down and find it but unfortunately he woke up grumpy and confused from his nap. 
 That changed once he realized all the chocolate was for him!

 Pants off, party on!

This Easter I am grateful for modern medicine. I am grateful that I have an excellent medical team, ultra sound technology and medicine! I continue to be nauseous and wouldn't survive with out Maxoran and Diclectin. I am grateful for family who step in with out hesitation and take away so much stress. I am grateful for my Saviour and the peace he brings into my life. He truly lives and although life is hard, he truly understands me. This is the greatest blessing! 

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