Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Father's Day

Tim is Jack's favourite person. It doesn't surprise me much as they are like the same person. They both are terrible sleepers, early risers, hate vegetables, love sports and are a little delicate. I am grateful especially grateful for the early rising part. Tim gets up with Jack 90% of the time. I am just not a morning person so a little extra sleep is the best. Tim can't leave for work in the morning with out giving Jack multiple kisses. Jack basically follows him out the door asking for just one more kiss. At the end of the day we are all waiting and watching out the window for Tim to arrive. 

 Tim has been waiting a long time for Jack to be big enough to read real stories to. I love how Jack cuddles right up and listens until it is time for bed. 
 Tim has done a lot of projects around the house this summer. Painting the deck, building fences, painting the house and overall just lots of little home improvement. Jack is always right there copying  Tim and trying to help. Tim is pretty awesome and even though the project takes a little longer he is getting so patient with Jack. 

Monday, August 28, 2017


 Favourite place to play is the van. 
 How I found him asleep. Sure do love this little monster man. 
 Practicing swaddling before this baby comes. Jack thinks it is hilarious. 
 I think the backyard is safe but Jack proves me wrong once again. 

 My favourite little date. He climbed to the top of the McDonald's play place. A nice little girl had to help him down. There was no way I was squeezing my pregnant self up there. 

We made a quick trip to Soab for Taylor and Sophie's wedding. I missed the actual wedding but the reception was beautiful and a super fun party. Congrats to the newlyweds! We are so excited for Sophie to join the family and take on Taylor and all of his craziness. 
 Sheri is the greatest. I have a picture of me just like this somewhere... 
The weather has been fairly magical. We hit up a different park most mornings. We started at a park in a new development and ended up playing in the dirt. I took the first photo of Wrigley and Jack thinking what an awesome mom I am for letting them explore like this but as I sat there about to upload my awesomeness to social media I hear HELP....

 Jack had followed Wrigley through a mud pit. 
 But seriously, I love them and think they are the absolute cutest!

 I think this boy will always need a nap. He managed to fall asleep in the stroller at Cross Iron so I decided for one day we could skip the nap. He slept through the transfer from the stroller to the car, then the car to the stroller. I was able to shop all of Walmart with him fast asleep! 

 Every year dairy farmers in the Olds area host a breakfast for the community. As a small business advisor, Tim was invited to go. As part of the breakfast you get to go and explore the farm. It was a pretty fun morning and Jack was in heaven. 
 The face Jack made when we went into the barn and saw all of the milk cows. It is funny seeing such joy over cows. They were so common place for me growing up. I am grateful for people opening up their homes/farms so I can take a little bit of the city out of this boy. 

 The gophers at Nose Creek Park are super brave. The kids run from hole to hole waiting for one to pop up. 
Jack's newest fascination surrounds ghosts and monsters. He puts something over his head and says, "Oooo scary! Ghost!" Before bed we have to "shew shew" the ghosts and monsters out of his room. 
This kid is turning into a pretty decent shot with a squirt gun. He thinks it is hilarious to shoot you but I always get him back for good measure. 

Dudley's visit + Harper Muffy

On May 26, 2017 Harper Muffy Scow joined the family. We are so excited for the Scow boys to have a sister. I am also so excited for our little girl and Harper to be besties. They will only be about three months apart. 

Erin is awesome and went to Alaska to help out. She took Lincoln but Quinn and Scarlett came to stay a few days with me and a few days with their grandmas. It is always so fun to have cousins. In some ways more kids is more work but they played so nicely together that it was a pretty easy job. 

 We had one cold and rainy day so we went to the church and played hide and seek. It was a pretty intense game. 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The rest of May's Adventures

Jack thinks it is hilarious to bury his toes in the sand and then say, "Where go?!" 

 Timmy is also getting excited for the summer. He finally took his Christmas present out for a spin and practiced his fly fishing skills in the green space. 
 Jack dumped out an entire box of spaghetti. I salvaged what I could but in the end I put most of it on a cookie sheet, stuck it outside and called it a sensory bucket. Jack enjoyed crumbling the pieces for a while. 
 This little terrorist two year old is going to be the death of me. He can undo the dead bolt and escapes on the regular if you forget to put the top latch on. On this particular morning I was upstairs getting dressed when I hear Wrigley barking outside. I ran outside in a panic and couldn't see him. The good news was that he had stayed on the side walk but had made it all the way to the 400 block! He had my curling iron and was looking at kitties saying, "Pew! Pew!" I am sure anyone who saw us had a good laugh as we were both in our pyjamas and looking a hot mess. 

Sometimes being two is hard work. 
 First of many trips to Home Depot. We got the garden all set up and Tim built me a new lid to the green house. 
 Unfortunately the green house only looked this nice for a few days. My poor garden is suffering this year. We had a bad wind/rain storm and I continue to be nauseous and exhausted so things are growing quite like I want. 
 Jack loves potstickers and wants to be just like his Dad. He is trying to use chopsticks. He just used the chopsticks to stab the potsticker. 

 Jack is becoming so good at riding his strider bike. He rode from Wal-mart to Rona. When he got tired I just threw his bike in the chariot and we finished the ride to home. I am seriously so excited for the warm weather and long summer days!
 Still obsessed with trains!
 And obsessed with guns. I picked him up a water table. Hopefully it helps both of us stay cool this summer!
 Panada is a real person in our house hold. Panda went pee on the potty and then proceeded to eat dog food. 
 Not sure if I give this little dude too much freedom. He helps me crack eggs into the pan and then does a pretty good job scrambling them up. One of my goals for the future is to have self sufficient kids. I just don't want that dependence and knowledge to come at the risk of injury. 
Getting stressed for when this baby comes. I know that its s still a long ways away but summer is going to be busy. I trailed GF chicken pot pie. It was delicious. Now hopefully next time some can make it to the deep freeze. 

 One of our favourite places to play. We can watch trains go by and throw rocks into the water. It provides hours of entertainment.