May was fabulous because the weather was insanely nice and we took full advantage! I filled up a tub with water and picked up some large gems and measuring cups from the dollar store. Jack thought it was fabulous and literally played for hours. On the hotter days I tried to be a good mom and put a hat on the kid but he pretty much refused and I eventually gave up.
I started on my garden. When we started to work the dirt we realized the previous owners had a fabric weed sheet and a tree stump buried in the garden! It took me many nap times to dig the stump out but I am so happy it is gone!
I built a little green house. 15 tomato plants and 6 red pepper plants survived my grow op! I really hope these bad boys produce a lot and I am able to try my hand at canning. Fingers crossed for no killer hale!
Tim has been trying to get me to run a 10k for quite some time. I am starting slow and trying to be consistent. My two friends enjoy the runs way more than me! Through running I am getting to know Airdrie so much better. Sometimes the view isn't so bad!
Dollar drink day are back! Hollaaaaaaa!

As per usual Jack is keeping me very busy. He still hates fruit but loves yogurt, meat, popcorn and oatmeal.
Jack and I went to Calgary Reads. They have a bunch of tables set up in an ice arena with thousands of second hand books for sale. All the kids books were $1!! It was fun and I am so excited about all the books I scored.
We snuggle and read books after most naps so all the new books will be very welcomed. I have a few memorized!
Mom came for a quick visit. Jack helped her with the vacuuming.
We got some mail from our favourite Aunt across the world! We miss you already. Please come home soon Tannis!
The Toronto Raptors made it pretty far in the play offs so lots of nights were spent cheering them on. It got pretty intense. I also taught Jack to say Go Go Go!!
I attempted a yoga challenge. It was supposed to be calming and grounding but my helper made it anything but that.
I have a new obsessions of getting the clearance food at Wal-mart. Each one of these items was only $1! I am always pretty pumped by a killer deal!
I finally caved and cut Jack's hair. The wisps in the back were just too out of control and he was looking a bit homeless. I gave him my phone with youtube videos and he could care less.
Before and After
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