Started the party by finding these homeless looking people at the airport! Way to go Danielle on flying here safely.
After taking naps, which was mandatory as none of the Scow's slept on the redeye, we were refreshed and ready to take on the list of to-do's. We hit up Ikea, distribution centre and lastly the Lego store! The Scow boys were in heaven. Shout out to Timmy for coming after work so he could shop with the boys and then take them home so they could start assembling the Lego.
Jack got his very own ice cream cone from Ikea! I was too tired to take it away so like any good mother would, I let him continue eating it while in his carseat.
The next morning the Dudley's arrived. We did some quick grocery shopping and then made it home just in time to have a bbq with Matt Wilde and Esther Olsen Cameron, some cousins who couldn't miss seeing Danielle. It was fun to hang out, eat treats and break in the new BBQ!
It had been so nice all week but the day we turn on the BBQ we of course get snow.
The next morning was a bit nuts as we packed ourselves up and got ready for the drive to Fairmont.
We left before the boys came home from the gun show. Apparently we left the front door unlocked and the back door wide open. Woops!
The drive there was pretty intense. Danielle and I were cruising in my Mom's Montana van. It has a lot of miles on it and has been well loved. All kinds of dashboard lights came on so Danielle took out the manual and learned what they meant. She said, "I feel so much better now that I know what all the lights mean." I did not share the same sentiment. I am just relieved we made it in one piece.
Cousins really are the greatest. These two found the fuzzy peaches and quietly ate them with hopes that nobody would notice!
The day after we arrived, we hit the slopes. It brought back so many memories. It was the place that I first learned how to ski and it was fun watching the kids get better and better.
The Cohen, Quinn and Mason did such a good job at skiing. Cohen was insane and I went off the box jumps. Quinn was a little nervous and it took a lot of convincing to get her down the hill. Thank goodness for Paul because that is how Mason survived the first few times up and down but by the end he was doing great too!

Sunday was Easter! I am so grateful for Saviour who makes it possible for me to be with my family forever. I kinda like them! We went to Fairmont Ward and it is very small in size. Mom and Paul ran the nursery. Danielle and I did primary with another nice lady. Danielle played the piano while I led the singing. I am very rusty at primary songs. After we went back to the condo for an egg hunt and gift exchange. It was really fun. Jack gave Ollie a light sabre. Ollie gave Jack a Thomas Train and a really awesome magnetic board!

The cousins "helped" eat most of Jack's candy. They are just so thoughtful...
Tim, Tyler and Paul were briefly there but somehow they didn't end up in many pictures.

You aren't doing Fairmont right if you don't swim every day and go to bed completely exhausted!
Also I heart my GoPro!
On Tuesday all Mom, Paul and the husbands left us! We single mommed like bosses. We squeezed in one more day of skiing. We took a break to roast the first mallows of the year!

I tried to bribe Mason into going down the hill one more time but he just lay down and went to sleep!
I love this kid but he loves his mom and brothers the most. He is a little rough and likes to love you til it hurts. He got nicknamed the bully because Jack has a delicate constitution and isn't quite as rough and tumble as Ollie's brothers.

The most magical part was after skiing we were able to go have an ice cream cone outside.
We also played Bingo. Jack wasn't very good at sitting still and destroyed someones puzzle. It was a hour of my life and we didn't even win anything!

The Scow's were introduced to dying Easter eggs. They thought the concept was nuts but had a blast. We just couldn't let there mom hide this fun tradition from them any longer.

We then took a few eggs outside and rolled them down a hill!

We hiked the hoodoos! Erin was a hippy and carried both Lincoln and Scar. The fives (Mason and Quinn) weren't very good at hiking. Mason lay down and said his legs could no further.

We thought it would be a good idea to go to the Lussier Hot Springs. We loaded the kids up and drove down this super sketchy logging road. I literally thought I was going to die. We decided that we get the notion that we can do anything from our mother. She was truly the most amazing single mom out there. I am so grateful to her for packing us up and driving all over the country on amazing adventures. She worked so hard to make sure we wouldn't miss out on anything. I became so close with my sisters through this and wouldn't want to spend a week single momming with anyone else.
The view was spectacular and it really was worth the trip down.
Cousins are the greatest!

Erin got stuck in the tire swing and I had to help her get out!
Because we hadn't had enough fun, on the last day we packed up early and headed to the Calgary Zoo. The weather was incredible and it was definitely worth it. We even got to see the baby gorilla. Adorable!

Cousins on a couch is the only way to end a wonderful adventure.

The last thing to do was drive the Scow's to the airport. Cohen threw up while we were unloading. While I was waiting for my mom to come back from helping them get to the desk, the battery died so I had to boost the van!

I look forward to July when we are all reunited and Tannis is back from Spain!
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