Somebody turned forward facing!
The weather is unseasonably warm and we are taking full advantage.
Eating Jack's Easter candy. One of the perks of being a parent.
Danielle gifted me a jar of rainbow icing. I dip pretzels in it and eat it straight up. So delicious and so bad!!

After coming home from Fairmont Jack just couldn't quite quick the cold. He ended up with an ear infection which sent us on our first trip to Urgent Care. It wasn't a bad trip and we were only there for a couple of hours. After a large dose of tylenol, ibuprofen and antibiotics, Jack was up and running and feeling better.
Jack had a rough night. We spend 3 AM hanging out watching Gilmore Girls.
TIm and I went on a date to Body World at the Telus Science. It was so fun to see everything and how truly amazing our bodies are. After we took some time to play with all of the other stuff the science centres offers.

Our ward did Guess Who's Coming for Dinner. It was so fun to have people over and get to know the ward better. We made kebabs and it was delicious! After we met back up at the church for cupcakes. Jack enjoyed it!

Learning to play pretend and gave his panda a sippy cup. He thought it was hilarious.
Tim aerated the lawn. Jack was busy picking up all the dirt clumps.