Monday, September 29, 2014


On September 7th it was literally +30, no wind and absolutely beautiful! And then on September 8th I came home from work in this....

Lucky for me that we live close to work because ALL traffic lights were out. Traffic was basically a nightmare because every intersection became a 4-way stop. I was able to come home on side streets so it didn't take much extra time. The trees had not lost their leaves yet so with the weight of the snow  and leaves the trees were just snapping and taking out power lines. Unfortunately our house was out of power. I had to dig through the camping supplies to find a flashlight. I haven't used the flashlight for about two years so the batteries were dead. Lucky for me our Wii-motes had working batteries so I was able to do a switch and get light. 

The next day it warmed back up so we were able to go to the dog park. Compared to the rest of the city it wasn't that bad but it was still crazy!

It is back to being nice and I am just hoping that it stays that way for as long as possible! I am not looking forward to the cold! 

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