I have had a few contaminations but have not noticed any side effects. I just have to read labels EVERY time. I checked Doritos and read that they gluten free and then didn't check the next time. That time I was eating an old bag and they contained gluten! I haven't eaten anything with lots of gluten such as bread so I am nervous to find out what will happen if eat something like that.
The gluten free expo came to Calgary and I had the opportunity to taste test and learn lots!
Dasha Gaiazova is a Canadian Olympian who competed in the Sochi Olympics in cross country skiing. She talked about over coming obstacles when travelling. I really enjoyed her and now know I can travel and stay gluten free. She encouraged to learn the word for gluten, write it down and just ask as many questions as you can once you get there. Also pack something like granola bars, quick oats or bread because you can live off of that for a few days until you figure out what is safe.
Pumped by my haul and all of my discoveries!
Tim has also been really supportive and never tempts me with stuff that I can't have. The hardest times to be gluten free is when you are starving at work or at a friends house. To combat this, I never leave the house with out a granola bar of some kind.
It also hard when people go through the effort of making something gluten free but then realize they put something in that they had no idea contained gluten. It just isn't fun to say no to all the hard work they put in.
Overall gluten free has been a success. I have impressed my self by sticking to it. Turns out I have a lot of will power!
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