Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I am very behind in blogging and and at some we had Thanksgiving!
We all met up in E-town! It was such a party and way fun to be with all the sisters. We were busy eating candy apples, playing wii, shopping and just having fun! We also managed to squeeze in conference, where the age of going on missions changed!! Crazy! I am excited though. I maybe would have gone.. maybe! We also had a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner. I love stuffing sooo much. Mom thought we had too much bread but just about polished the stuffing off in one sitting!

Coco boy was so good and so helpful during the entire trip. I got him a special treat on one of our many trips to get candy apples.
I cleaned out the dollar store and brought 8 swords. It was waaay fun! Cohen and Mason were very skilled at fighting and Quinny only knew how to poke! Thanks Grandma Wilde for teaching everyone to poke at a young age!
We did finger painting. Mason ended up eating the paint...
Cohen was surprisingly good at wii. Don't worry, we sisters got in all of our favorites... mushroom gorge, moo moo meadows, the mall, peach beach and a few rounds of jeopardy!
Uncle Timmy love that Cohen is growing up and becoming so much fun!
We needed a reason to eat skor cake so we had a birthday party for Cohen. He is turning 4 and is such a big boy!! Tim loves buying toys for his niece and nephews. He likes them to be loud and obnoxious. He spent quite sometime trying to decide what to get him and settled on army guys and army tanks. This present is tame but I am worried for pay back from my sisters for other toys.
I got Cohen Red shirt, Green shirt, blue shirt.... OOPS!! I love watching him practice his colours and read it so well and then laugh at the turkey wearing the clothes upside down.
We went to a sweet indoor playground. It was very very difficult to climb to the top and the kids never seemed to run out of energy!
We had decent weather and loved Erin's backyard and new house!
Dentures anyone? We went on a field trip to see Grace Denture Clinic aka Tyler's Clinic!! It was sooo cool to see what he is working so hard for! Good job and good luck! His picture on the advertisment is so cute, he is seriously grinning ear to ear.
We had a girl's night out and hit up the melting pot! My mouth waters just thinking about it. It was fun to visit and I love my family more than anything in the world. I couldn't have asked for a better mother and sisters!
We played a rousing round of wide world!! So fun and so hard with that stupid map moving ALL the time. Muffy finally just stayed on and waited til the map got her on her destinations. Worked much better than you would ever think. If Tannis lets Mom choose her husband thant she gets to inherit the game. I want it sooo bad!
I am excited and can hardly wait for Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you blogged! We've been really missing you guys and it's nice to see an update on your lives.
