Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Dudley Stay

At the end of September the Dudley's came kids came to visit. Our family literally doubled in size with 3 kids and a dog.
Jack was in heaven because Rocko was here. He started licking the window just like him. 
The real struggle was with Jack and Lincoln. Jack wasn't the friendliest and super jealous. He would look at Lincoln and just two hand push him over for no reason. I would try to have him say sorry but Lincoln would just cry every time Jack came close. Jack suffered through the abuse from Ollie and now it is just the circle of life with Lincoln. Hopefully this mean streak doesn't last too long!

Jack got put in his first time out.
The days were a little chilly but we still managed to get out and go to the park every day. 

I needed a couple things from the grocery store so I loaded up the possy and headed out. Lincoln and Scar sat nicely in the cart, Jack sat on my shoulders and Quinn walked nicely beside the cart. As we were checking out a nice lady said Happy Halloween and handed me all those KitKats. She said the kids were so good and I was doing such a good job that we all needed a reward. Seriously so kind!

After the store we hit up McDonalds for supper. Play places are the best and no messy supper for me to clean up.

We hit up Dollarama so we could spend a morning crafting.

Some days the house got a little out of control but everyone survived and it was fun.

Q-tip lost her tooth her first tooth while she was here!

During naps Quinn and I exercised.

And then in the evenings we relaxed and watched movies.

Falling into September

Went all Martha Stewart and attempted canning. I feel as though it went quite well and I am pumped to try those peaches. I bought all the bruised ones for half price at the farmers market and was pretty pumped by the deal. My only mishap was when I put a jar in and couldn't figure out why I had so many floaties in the water. I pulled it out and the bottom fell off! 
We went for a walk down by the Bow River. Fall really is beautiful. 
Jack still loves watching music videos. Jack is always happy to snuggle up and watch a few music videos. His favourites continue to be Nick Pitera and BYU Vocal Point. 
Last day of Dollar drinks. I have had waaaaay too much pop this summer but it is the best treat. 
At some point over the summer Tim got called to be in the Young Men's presidency. He is with the Deacons and is excited about that. He planned a hike with fishing up to Rawson Lake. We sent Jack to day home and hiked up quick to make sure it was good for the young men. It was freezing and raining but the view was worth it. 
After nap snuggles are my favourite!
Jack loves to watch for trains out of our bedroom window and as per usual is naked... 
Some days are long. We killed time by riding bikes at Wal-mart. I am a classy parent. 
Jack loves Peter the panda. 
Introduced Jack to play-dough. He thought it was fabulous and I got to make supper in peace. 
At some point over the Summer, Jack seemed to grow up. He talks non-stop and only half is understandable. His most common words are Mom, Dad, Wrigley, milk, oatmeal, NO, Paw Patrol, hi, night night and well just surprises me daily. He knows where his teeth are and knows what a cow and kitty say. He definitely understands more than I give him credit for. 
Jack was fascinated with the tomatoes and was so excited to finally be allowed to pick them. My greenhouse kept them fairly safe and produced fairly well. Jack did try to break through the plastic with plastic knives (originally used for vegetable markers, not dangerous in anyway) but lucky for me his attempts were unsuccessful. 

We are working on our acro-yoga skills.... 

I am pretending to potty train Jack. He enjoys sitting on the potty so I got a little seat for him. Sometimes in the morning I will let him sit there so I can drink tea in peace. He has yet to do anything on it but it gives me a moment to myself. He also likes to close doors and hide from me. One day when he did this in the bathroom I could hear him whining after a few minutes. I opened the door to find the potty seat stuck on his head.

15 years ago on September 15, marks the passing of my Dad. It was our golden death day. Naturally I had to wear a gold shirt in remembrance. In all seriousness, I have cried so many tears and the years have been hard. These days I am in such a place of happiness and wish he was here to celebrate that with me. I know he would be proud of what I have accomplished and would love my little family. For the last two years we have started a tradition of eating out and remembering him. It is a day I don't have to cook and can just take time to enjoy my family. Enough tears have been shed and there is no need for anymore. Death sucks and that is all there is to it. I am so grateful to my sisters and my mom. They are amazing and I love the craziness that is my family.