Sunday, June 28, 2015

May Outings

Jordan and Julie Goldthorpe came to Calgary so we ditched Jack again and went out on another date night. We started by having a delicious supper at the Keg and then went to Lloyd's Roller Rink!! It was great to just hang out and feel like a kid again. 
Jack does a mean blue steal... He is very serious. 
We went out and voted in the Alberta election. 

We enjoyed McFlurry's and watched the results come in. The NDP came to power and have a majority government. It is super crazy for this extremely conservative province. We aren't complaining because there will most like be a little bit of a down turn in the economy and are crossing our fingers for cheaper housing! 
Jack is a bumbo star and just loves to be outside. We usually sit out in the backyard in the afternoon sun and welcome Timmy home from work. 
It is crazy that we can go from beautiful sunshine to needing a full suit! Only in Canada can you  never put your winter stuff away.

Lately I have been letting my inner Joni Wilde out. I have been bringing these carrots with me everywhere! Sometimes I open my mouth and my mother comes out... haha love it! 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

4 months

Things are starting to get fun over here! Jack has started laughing and I love it! The first time he laughed I was listening to some Taylor Swift and crazy dancing. He thought it was hilarious!

Jack drools like crazy and loves to chew his hands. No tooth but I hope one pops through soon! He will buzz his lips together and will sometimes do it back at you.
 Jack is jolly jumping like a boss. He can hold his head up and is starting to two foot jump.

He is starting to get interested in toys and loves to look at the world around him. He especially loves to be outside which is great because we have been having fantastic weather.
Daily chores have become much more difficult as Jack and Wrigley love to be super close. The good news is that I am very loved. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

Welcome Home Taylor Boy! And Mother's Day!

Lucky for me I live in Calgary and am able to see people as they come and go through the airport. It was awesome to see Taylor Boy come back after serving a two year mission in Mexico! It was so fun to see and talk to him. He is still our favourite Taylor boy just maybe a little more mature. 
 Jack welcomed Taylor home by leaving some boogers on him... Yay for babies!

 A few weeks later we went down to southern Alberta to hear him give his homecoming talk. It was great to hear him speak about what he did for two years. He definitely learned a lot and sure does love the people of Mexico.
 We enjoyed our token treat run to Magrath and a tour around town. 
 To treat myself for mother's day we went out for Chinese food. After a year and 5 months I binge at gluten! It tasted amazing and the crazy part was that I didn't have any side affects! I think I am going to have to go and meet with my doctor because being gluten free is hard work!

This weekend coincided with Mother's Day which meant I got to spend it with my own mother. My mom is crazy and awesome! She has always supported and loved me. She is so high and energy which means lots of adventures and lots of fun when we are together. Thanks for sharing your love of travel, diet coke and sense of humour with me! 

Tim also spoiled me on Mother's Day. I got some sweet new purple shoes and a fun crochet/knitting book about Harry Potter. Although the change to motherhood has been crazy and hard at times I definitely wouldn't change it. I love this new chapter in life. I look forward to what it has to offer. 

Happy 5th Anniversary!

5 years!?! That is insanity! It is crazy to think back to the little babies we were when we got married. We are now both done school and have a sweet little baby boy and the happiest puppy dog. We are excited for what the future holds and are hoping to make the next big step of buying a house with in this next year. The best part of getting married young is that I have been able to enjoy all of these big milestones with Tim. Because we are so young we have made lots of mistakes along the path of life (money, housing, vehicles etc.) but it is very rewarding to work together. I am a little crazy and Tim brings so much balance to our family. I definitely picked an amazing person to spend the rest of eternity with!

For this anniversary we went to game 6 of the Stanley Cup Playoffs- Calgary vs. Vancouver. It started off a little slow but Calgary was able to come back and pull off an incredible win. The Saddledome was insane and such a fun place to be.

Thank you so much to Chrissy for watching Jack!! This was the first time we left him and although it was awesome to be out of the house I did miss him. 
We continue to take the yearly Pinterest photo that showcases all the previous years. 

End of April

So far 2015 has offered great weather. The perk to being on maternity leave is that I am able to take full advantage of it! 
 Most days we go for a walk to the dog park. 

And every Friday we end our walk at 7-11 to take part in Free Friday! 

Friends and picnics are also our favourite! Jack usually just sleeps through most of our outings. My pasty skin even got a sun burn on this particular outing. A sun burn in April!?! Unheard of! 

The Calgary Flames are making a pretty epic Stanley Cup run! Tim is enjoying teaching Jack the importance of sports. Personally I think Jack just likes all the colour on the TV but who am I to judge?
 My baby is growing up way to fast so sometimes we just spend the day snuggling on the couch!