Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Jack's Blessing

On February 15, we were able to bless our sweet little Jack boy. I am so grateful that Tim was able to do this. All of my family was able to come into town and participate. It was so nice to have them there and made it even more special.
Tim's Aunt Myrleen made this super cute and amazing blessing outfit for us. 
 He looked beyond handsome in it. 
I love my little family so much! I am truly grateful for my knowledge that families really are forever!

After church we went to the Wright's house for some delicious beef on a bun and just hung out and visited. 

A couple more baby showers!

My calling right now is with the Young Women. I really do think it is the best. They are awesome and full of spunk! They through me a baby shower for one of our activities. One of our activities was human swaddling. Hilarious! Jack is quite the lady killer and always gets lots of love from the girls. They also made us onesies with super cute sayings and designs. Thanks girls!

I also got together with girls from work. Once again Jack was super loved and we got some super awesome toys and crazy cute outfits! Thanks girls. I miss you but not actually going to work.
The crazy thing is that 3 of us had babies at the same time and they all turned out to be beautiful boys.  
(L-R) Laura Law and Harrison (Jason's wife and child), Me and Jack, Julie Mckanna and Landon

Jack and Landon
 Jennnessa and Harrison. She seriously needs to join the baby group!
I think this photo is hilarious. Jack (Jan. 8), Harrison (Jan. 15), Landon (Dec. 23).
Once again I feel so lucky to be loved by so many people. Let's get together again soon!

One Month

I am shocked by how fast the first month flew by! I know everyone says that but seriously! Jack, how are you already one month?!?! At one month we are starting to get things figured out. I wouldn't say we are on a schedule but you are sleeping for 2-4 hours at a time at night, eat quick and then go back to sleep for another 2-4 hours. It feels so great to get a little sleep. You are the best snuggler. I am not one to sit on the couch but I just love having you here and am enjoying soaking it all in.
My favourite part of this new life is Tim. He is an amazing father and loves me and Jack so much. He is always taking you for snuggles and and making sure I get a nap. Because Tim is a morning person he will also take Jack for a good period in the morning so I can have a little extra rest. Yay for morning people! He has also been doing the laundry and dishes! It is so nice to be taken care of.
After a month I am starting to feel so much better! It feels so good to get out and walk and I love not having a belly.
At exactly one month we took another trip. This time we headed the other direction to Edmonton. Jack got to meet his cousins and Tannis's mother-in-law took newborn photos for us! Thank you Judy White! They are amazing! Jack slept like a rock while we did the photos and so we were able to pose him for some really cute shots.

 I love those hands! Those long fingers definitely came from me!

 We went to another basketball game. The strange ref was very concerned that you were going to get hit by a ball... you managed to safely live through it on the side line. It is always fun to watch Erin and Tannis play. Maybe we should move to Edmonton so I can join the team!
 Scarlett wasn't too sure about Jack. She just liked to look but definitely not touch! Right before we left she did wan't to put him in her dolly stroller... that seemed a little sketchy. Instead of Jack we had her push Quinn around in it.
 Quinn LOVES Jack. She came down early in the morning to find out if Jack was awake. Unfortunately for her Jack sleeps a lot and so she had to be patient. She just kept coming but until he finally woke up! Quinn is very good at giving Jack his soother and thinks it is hilarious that you can see into the middle of it.

Quinn told me that Mason and Cohen are her cousins and Jack is Scarlett's cousin. She sure does love those Scow boys! I can hardly wait until they get to meet Jack.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

First trip to Welling and Super Bowl Sunday

After 2 weeks I was starting to go stir crazy and decided to go home to sit on my Mom's couch for a change of scenery. On Friday morning I loaded up Jack and headed south. Jack loves his carseat and travelled like a gem. I got to tour Mom's rental house and then we hit up 7-11 for free Friday! This has since become and addiction in my life and we go to 7-11 every Friday! We then went to Magrath to watch the Magrath vs. Raymond high school boys basketball game. It was so fun to hang out and see old friends. Jack was once again a champ and didn't mind all the noise.

 My mother likes to keep her house a bit on the colder side so Jack was super swaddled but did pretty good at sleeping.

 We also went to visit the Evan's boys! Connor held Jack like a natural but Hayden was a little more cautious.

 Sure do love these boys and miss there brothers!
 We enjoyed lots of snow bobs and laughs! I ended up staying til Sunday because of all the fun we were having. We are definitely going to make lots more trips to Soab over the next year of mat leave!
Tim welcomed us home and we switched gears and got ready for our annual super bowl party. This year we kept it small and just had a few friends over. 
 Lucas Ngai (Sam and James' kid) was there and it was super fun to see him next to Jack. I thought Jack looked super Asian but turns out he really is only 1/4.
My favourite part was when Tim changed a diaper and Jack managed to pee in his mouth... bahahaha well done son! The game was super intense and I am excited for next year!

Home at last!

The first few weeks were spent hanging out on the couch and enjoying visitors. It was tough because sweet little Jack had a high bilirubin. We had to go to the public health nurse 3 times! Jack also didn't have enough wet diapers so I was losing my mind with worry. I was stressed he wasn't eating enough so the public health nurse had me pumping all the time. I then started over producing and ended up with mastitis :( It turns out that the number of wet diapers aren't that big of a deal. The first weeks are tough when you are getting it all figured out! But when I look at that sweet face I know it is all worth it!
 Fatherhood is hard work. You have to nap when you get the chance!

 We were so happy to have Erin come visit and take care of us. I was a little crazy with hormones and she was awesome about making me feel better about the wet diapers and the mean public health nurse.
 Tim finally got to change his first diaper!
Due to my excessive pumping we got to feed Jack a bottle. He takes a bottle like champ! Tim got the honour of feeding him his first ever bottle. 
 This supper was truly the nectar of Gods. For 9 months I threw up all meat and diet coke. This has never tasted so good.
 Tim is an amazing Dad. He always asks to cuddle Jack immediately upon getting home from work. He has just jumped right in with both feet and is doing awesome. When Jack is crying and I am telling him what to do, he tells me he is fine and will figure it out. I love how awesome he is with the baby. He takes him and makes me nap. I feel so loved and taken care of.
 Tanny also came for a visit. She enjoyed lots of cuddles. I am hoping that this will make her want one sooner rather than later... :)

 We took Jack for his first outing to 7-11!! It is hard to see but I have him in the carrier and he is snuggled right in. I feel so lucky that the weather has been fairly nice so I have been able to go for a few walks. It is so nice to get out of the house for a little bit.

 Wrigley finally met Jack. He just kind of looks at me like, "Is this creature going to leave soon?" I do love having Wrigley because he always wakes up with me and will sit with me on the couch when I am up during the night.
 Milk drunk!
 Snuggles all day! I love just hanging out and watching Law and Order! 

 We took our first outing to home depot! It was short but nice to be out. 
 Dog park walks are the best. I can hardly wait til it is nice and we can spend all day outside!

 Tim has had a few struggles with diaper changes. Jack has managed to pee on Tim and the carpet. All I can do is laugh. 

 We were lucky enough to have Grandma and Grandpa Evans visit. 
 A family selfie on the first day that we went to church. Little boys in Sunday clothes are my absolute favourite!

What I have learned since having this baby is that I am so loved. I have received so many phone calls, texts and visits. I have been showered with gifts, meals and kind words. I am so appreciative at how kind people are. I plan to be more helpful to friends in the future. 
I have also learned that hormones are real and unpredictable. I don't know how people do it alone. Tim has been there to just love me as I am going through my crazy periods.