We reunited in Welling to continue the party. We started by hitting up the Stirling pool. This place is pretty awesome because it is small and has very few rules. The kids ran wild!
Quinny swims like a fish. She could have stayed all day long.
We enjoyed lots of "safe" quad rides.
Prior to the birthday party we went out and played some family fun golf. I am a terrible golfer but still managed to have a good time. I guess it is impossible to not have fun when you are golfing with these beauties!
We then went to the Welling for some food and games. Wilde Girl's were put in charge of the games so we came up with a piƱata! Even the older kids got to take a few swings.
Happy Birthday Grandpa!!! I think this guy is pretty great. He has some pretty awesome vet skills and was able to save a number of our dogs and even blessed our family by giving us a few dogs. He has an awesome grin and some fabulous ear lobes :)
Even the missing missionaries made an appearance.
Haden is a real baby whisperer.
Most of the cousins- missing Justin and Braeden Baker, Josh and Jared Evans and the 3 missionaries.
We were even lucky enough to see Nerida and the girls. It is crazy how big they are. Too bad this was the only photo we snapped!
Denton brought a few fireworks and the kids were enthralled. Quinn was very amazed by the fireworks. It was her first time seeing some up close because in Canada you can't buy them. She would jump up down and woohoo! I sure do have some cute nieces and nephews.
To finish off our stay in Welling we played a rousing game of Celestial Pursuit. This game is the same as the Newlywed game but with Mormon questions. The bro-in-laws just love this game. Tim and I were winning for a brief moment but ended up losing again!
We even managed to squeeze in family photos but I will post those another day.
It was super fun to be home in Welling and spend so much time with immediate and extended family on both sides. I am one lucky girl to be so loved.