This Christmas was fantastic and full of fun and thanks to my sisters I have pictures. Get comfy cuz this is a long one.
Day 1- I began the packing and organizing the apartment so that we could go home and trust me it was no easy feat. It felt like people were going CRAZY in the apartment building (we resident manage an apartment building and it is full of very special souls) and just hoped the place would still be standing when we got back. FYI: A big thanks to Dede for babysitting the building so we could go to Welling. The car finally got packed and it was packed! So we headed down to Welling for a trip to Costco with my mother and then I headed over to see my favourite people.. Leah and Paige. It was lovely to see them and we laughed about warm things til around 4:30AM. Needless to say the next day I was tired.
Day 2- We rested and just enjoyed not being in Calgary. With little help from Tim and Tannis, I decorated the tree in all the decorations we used on the kids tree when we were little. Tim didn't want to help cuz he didn't want to undecorate it and Tannis thought it looked silly. I don't have a pic but it rocked! That night we played jeopardy and ate soggy perogies. yummy!
Day 3 and Christmas Eve The Scows finally made it. I couldn't believe how big the boys had gotten. Talking to Cohen is like taking a unique look into Danielle's life. He just says the funniest things. We went to the cemetery to see our friends and trust me there are waaay to many in there and put out hurricane candles. Mine were the best seeing as I brought the little battery operated tea lights. Needless to say it was another successful year and there were many gorgeous candles lit. It is always nice to take a minute with my family.
Day 4= Christmas which started around 7am so we would be able to make it to church. My stalking was stapled closed this year so it took awhile to get into it but still easier than last year. To Tim's credit he did what I asked. I told him how important the stalking is and so in our first year of marriage a massive stalking showed up and was sewn closed. Tim got me a camera (yeah!) and things in a box so please call us and come over to play. I also got some gum boots from my sisters!! They are fantastic and I love them. Tim got a thrower for his guns and a pocket knife. For the record I came through with everything he wanted. He doubted but honestly how can you doubt me? And we got some foam swords for Cohen so he will stop beating me with a lightsabre.
Me with the stalking |
Another calendar for mom |
Day 5- Boxing day sales and we bought snow boards!!! I am really excited to get good.
Alumni Basketbal!! We had a great team and it was sooo fun to play with all my sisters.
Thanks to Tristin and Leah we had a farm party. It was been forever since I have seen all those girls and it was really fun to chat and play pictureka!! I hope you are having fun playing that game leah.
Day 6- Snowboarding in Fernie! Way to much fun. Lots of powder to fall into and the weather was quite balmy. Kudos to my fantastic husband for working so hard to keep up to my family. He really pushed himself to get better and did a scary run with my family. We hope to go again so we can really get the carving down!
Looking good Timmer! |
Day 7- At this point everything really just became a blur. Here is a quick look at the last few days.
Swimming in Taber |
The Bro. in-laws bonded. They had a bake off and all made cheese cake. I am way impressed and Tim... you can cook and you will continue to cook. The secret is out! |
Quinny is Erin's child and so yes she is a little aggressive and uses the 3 weeks she has on Mason all she can. |
Well for some reason it is not letting me upload more pictures. But christmas we was fantastic! We rocked out to BSB and Celine, ate way to much food, played jeopardy and mario kart on the wii and just enjoyed being together. Thanks to Tannis I am able to use this blog a little better! We were blog stalking and I couldnt' even remember my password. All in all family is great and you should all wish you had mine!
I hope you all had a very merry christmas and I now can't wait til next year!